


I guess it feels ... (Empathy and emotions)


  • The students try to imagine what another person is feeling
  • The students practise how to respond appropriately to other people's feelings


To print a new front page for the log.
Editors note: The log is used as a collaborative tool for the teacher and the pupil. It is where we document our progress and keep track of what we learn. 

The log is located under "redskaber" to the left on the screen (= icon with the little blue '1').


a general note

This is a sample lesson from 'HPS - Hjernen på skemaet®' (= "The brain on the curriculum") that has been translated into English. There are ca. 60 lessons in the program targeting the students awareness of mental health, social competencies, cognitive skills and much more. 


The programmes central metaphor is "the pathways of the brain". It relies on the notion that training your brain (trampling "new paths" like in a field or a forest - ie practising skills and competencies) is possible and desirable for everyone. In this current lesson the students would concern themselves with trampling new "empathy-paths" together.


The entire program is contained in the platform GAMBIT® - this is a preview from the programme with the same functionality as the user has with GAMBIT® except that here you cannot give feedback at the bottom of the page.


The teacher prepares the lesson from the platform and in the classroom, the platform aid the teacher in the instructional parts of the lesson via SmartBoard or projector.


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Pathways of the brain

what does the other person feel ...?

Being able to understand other peoples feelings and emotions is important.


It helps you to become a good friend.


Today we practise figuring out how other persons feel.







Discuss the reasons why empathising with others is important. Perhaps the students have examples of situations where they were able to empathize with another person and they both benefited from that?

what does the other person feel ...?


Which emotions do you know?


You can feel ...:


  • Happy
  • Surprised
  • ...?







Lad eleverne brainstorme feelings, for example:

Angry, confused, satisfied, grumpy, pensive, shy, silly ...

Trow a pawn

How many do you hit?


1 hit = 1 pawn


  • The students play 1 vs 1
  • Both students hold something to trow (small balls, peabags, centicubes)
  • The take turns trowing at a target (for instance a piece of paper)
  • Each 'hit' equals a pawn they'll get to place in the starting position for the upcoming game of pawn chess
  • The one with the fewest pawns gets to play white
  • White gets to place his pawns on the 2nd rank once black has placed his pawns on the 7th rank
  • If both players start with an equal amount of pawns they draw lots about who starts or place the pawns in secret (put a board between the two halves of the board on which the game is played)
  • The game is played by the rules of pawn chess
Alle bønder er slået
Modstanderen har ingen mulige træk
Bonden i mål

Black starts by putting his/her pawns on the 7nd rank.


Then white places his/her pawns on the 2nd rank


If you have an equal amount of pawns - you put the pawns on the board in secret.




It is recommanded to play a lot of games with different opponents so everybody experiences playing with less/more pawns than the opponent.


How do you think you opponent felt about starting with fewer pawns than you?


How do you think your opponent felt about starting with more pawns than you?


What were the signs you noticed?



Facial expressons, mimics, body language and obviously language itself give us information about other people's feelings.



Emotional and social intelligence are connected since the ability to adapt to various situations depend on the individuals ability to understand the emotions of others.

what feeling?


He feels ...?

Pass an emotion

Pass an emotion round the circle.


Can you guess which emotion is going round?


  • Everybody stands in a circle
  • The teacher turns towards the student on the left, makes eye contact and shows an emotion with her face (eg. anger, joy, disgust, sadness, surprise, frustration) without saying anything
  • The student copies the facial expression, and "passes it on to the student next to him on the left. It goes on like that until the emotion has returned back to the teacher
  • He or she then ask the students what feeling they think was passed around. Opionions may differ - and some may observe, that the emotion changed during the process of being passed around
  • Remind the students that different people have different expressions for the same emotions and that the emotions they some times send out into the world can be percieved very differently than intended.,
  • As and end to the activity have everyone show a nice emotion with their face on the count of 3. Everyone gets to pick their own emotion.

Todays brain path

What does the other person feel?


What helps you guess another persons emotions?


What can you do to help when another person - perhaps one of your friends - gets upset when you play chess?


Is that useful in other situations?

At school, at home, when you're with your friends?






Being attentive to other people's feelings is the first step. Facial expressons, mimics, body language and obviously language tell us about other people's feelings and emotions.

Reacting appropriately other peoples emotions is part of social intelligence.